We are Not For Sale

Nearly everything we consume — clothing, the batteries in our cell phones, the fish we eat — has forced labor and exploitation hidden somewhere inside its production, with big repercussions on local communities around the world, and the environment. Not For Sale envisions and fights for a future without exploitation and forced labor, where healthy people and the planet can function together in harmony — in a world where no one is for sale. By meeting the highest standards established by Charity Navigator, we have attained the coveted 4-star rating – demonstrating our commitment to full transparency and allowing you to give with confidence.

It began with one house

In 2000, David Batstone discovered there was a human trafficking ring at a neighborhood restaurant, and began writing a book about human trafficking, called Not For Sale. In his research, he met a woman named Kru Nam in Northern Thailand, who was rescuing street children from exploitation (including forced labor and sex trafficking). Kru Nam and the children were living in an empty field, begging for food, with no means to build a house. Not For Sale started as an intention to raise enough money to build a house, and today it’s a village for 150 children. We took this intention around the world — building shelters, schools, clean water sources and entrepreneurial platforms.

Take One Step

We live in a world where 2 billion people live at extreme poverty levels, over 40 million people are living in modern slavery and a countless number of people worldwide are being taken advantage of in a global system that isn’t working for them. It’s only by coming up with effective solutions that we can start to address these harsh challenges. Together we can make a significant impact on the lives of at-risk individuals across the globe. By making the decision to just do something, Not For Sale was born with one house in Thailand, and today works in eight countries – providing long-term housing, extensive medical care, counselling services, education and more. How can you help? It all starts with just one step.

Our Impact In Numbers

In sixteen years, we have supported over 352,000 people, in 12 countries, each one at risk of human trafficking.

In 2022, around the world...

Girls enrolled in our South Africa 'Girls Surf Too' program

children received an education through our children’s shelter in Thailand

meals were served at our Vietnamese children’s shelter



Donate so we can continue helping people in need. As of 2022, we’ve helped 80,844 survivors and at-risk individuals in 10 countries.


Keep up to date with what’s going on at Not For Sale, stay educated on the matter, receive special announcements, new campaigns, impact reports, and more.








Donate so we can continue helping people in need. As of 2022, we’ve helped 80,844 survivors and at-risk individuals in 10 countries.








Keep up to date with what’s going on at Not For Sale, stay educated on the matter, receive special announcements, new campaigns, impact reports, and more.


better way of working


First of all, we partner with local experts, community leaders, and businesses to understand the root causes of slavery in the region. At this stage, NFS provides direct services, including food, shelter, education, and healthcare to those affected by modern slavery and exploitation.


Secondly, NFS investigates the local economy to see where we might break the cycle of poverty that makes people vulnerable to being trafficked. We ask the questions: ‘why are people here susceptible to slavery?’ and ‘what can we do to create a healthier economy so that fewer people are at risk?’


Finally, NFS partners with entrepreneurs to create businesses and social enterprises that generate sustainable, fair-wage jobs in the region, with ethically sourced ingredients and resources. These businesses then also feed a percentage of revenue back into the direct service projects.


Currently, NFS operates across North America, South America, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe; and in addition to providing direct care to trafficking victims, we adopt an approach that provides fair paying jobs, dignity, and long-term, scalable solutions.

Where we work

Human trafficking and exploitation is a global issue – our direct service projects operate in eight countries worldwide.

“Tweet everyone you know about this book.
Let’s make slavery history!”

Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and CEO of Square

“David Batstone is a heroic character.”


“This is one of those books that makes you want TO DO SOMETHING.”

Mark Cole